It's a little bit spooky when a fantail starts to tweet in my back garden, just when I'm writing about the Fantail on Kowhai Acrylic Mirror or ACM Panel, but that is exactly what is happening as I write!
The native New Zealand fantail ( piwakawaka) is absolutely gorgeous, very tame, and makes a cute sound.
And this Fantail Mirror or Panel looks just as gorgeous, with the Fantail stopping for a moment on a Kowhai tree, complete with its fern-like foliage and yellow flowers. A spring time image.
The acrylic Fantail Mirror can be placed indoors, giving you lots of great places to position the mirror. And the Fantail can also be made in ACM ( Aluminium Composite Material), to create a stunning piece of wall art. ACM is happy both indoors and outdoors, won't rust or warp, and is lightweight and easy to hang.
Dimensions: 600 x 535mm (23 1/2" x 21").
There is also a smaller version available, which is 340 x 295mm (13 3/8" x 11 5/8").
Choose the Mirror, or from the ACM Panel colours.
Proudly made in New Zealand, and shipped worldwide.